ADM Policy | SereneAir


Agency Debit Memo (ADM) Policy


    1.0    General

    SereneAir (ER) uses multiple distribution channels for its fares, cargo, and ancillary products to cover the widest reach and provide convenience to potential passengers. This process entails allowing travel agents around the world access to ER’s inventory through multiple Global Distribution Systems (GDS). The nature of this open exposure to ER’s inventory imposes risks of abuse and large revenue losses. Accordingly, this Agency Debit Memo (ADM) Policy is to list and define the revenue violations that SereneAir will inspect for, and issue ADM against. 

    2.0    Issuance Principles

    In line with IATA resolutions ER hereby issues this ADM Policy to list and define the revenue violations that will be inspected and charged by ADMs. 

    1. For BSP Agents, an ADM is issued through the Billing Settlement Plan (BSP) link:
        • within nine months from the last travel date for Fare & Tax Violations, and
        • within nine months from the date of refund for Refund Violations.
    2. ER reserves the right to claim any dues beyond this period (i.e. nine months) outside the BSP, and agree with the Agent on the best settlement method.
    3. SereneAir Head office will continue to monitor GDS wastage and non-adherence will result in ADMs being raised on the agency on monthly basis.
    4. An agent shall have a minimum of 14 days in which to review an ADM prior to its submission to BSP for processing.


    3.0    Disputes and Dispute Resolution

    • Any dispute on a settled ADM in BSP link that is upheld by SereneAir will be reversed by issuance of an Agency Credit Memo (ACM). No dispute or ACM request shall be entertained by SereneAir where the ADM billed date exceeds 90 days.
    • Agent will have the one chance to raise dispute of ADM, after that sereneair reserves the rights to not further negotiate the ADM.

    4.0    List of Violations

    Different violations (Fare, Tax & Refund Violations) are inspected by ER and consequently ADMs are issued. These violations include, but are not limited to;

    Fares & Exchange Audit

      • All fares, fare rules & General Conditions of Carriage
      • Taxes & all surcharges
      • Commission/Discount violation
      • Tour Code / Deal Code violation
      • Carrier Identification Plate (CIP) violation
      •  Fare calculation check and surcharges reported in fares checks
      • Flight conditions
      • Sales/ Travel restrictions
      • Day Time restrictions
      • Endorsement checks like ‘Valid on ER only’ for ER restricted fares including Refund/Non-Refundable conditions.
      • Stopover & Transfer condition
      • Booking class/class of travel
      • Minimum/ Maximum stay requirement
      • Advance Purchase Rules
      • Seasonality checks / Blackout checks
      • RBD violation
      • Group sales violation & for deposits/penalties for group sales
      • Add-ons & combination violation
      • Government fares applicability  
      • Ticket expiry check
      • Rebooking fees, recalculation on reissue and rerouting 
      • Booking class Vs ticketed class mismatches
      • Reissuance without proper endorsements/other Airline tickets
      • Interline tickets issued when no interline agreement exists
      • Paper ticket issuance when E-Ticketing is possible
      • Other violations such as unreported sales, rate conversion violations, form of payment discrepancies, any ticketing violation as covered by the Serene Air’s Conditions of Carriage.
      • No show charges wherever applicable
      • Local taxes / Govt. levies for which collection and remittance is under Airline’s responsibility 
      • Credit Card Chargeback
      • Deportation cost including fines from authority due to non-verification of travel documents at the time of ticketing
      • Excess baggage allowance check

      5.0    Refund Audit

      • Refund fare, taxes & surcharges
      • Commission/Discount/Incentives 
      • Cancellation penalty / No show charges 
      • Refund of Used, NOGO coupons and expired documents
      • Duplicate refunds through BSP link and GDS
      • FOP checks               
      • Incorrect IATA claim (Only the issuing agent can claim the refund of that ticket. Different IATAs from the same agency is permitted) 
      • Out of sequence refund claim.

      6.0    GDS Best Practices to avoid BIDT ADMs


      • Ensure to provide customer’s first and last names exactly identical to the customer’s passport for international journey or ID card for domestic journey.
      • Record passenger family name along with full complete first name and second name if any. 
      • Record date of birth of the child & infant passengers in the name field, as well as the requisite SSR. 
      • Ensure that ER record locator answer back is received on your GDS PNR. 
      • Ensure that APIS/Secure flight, passport details, passenger contact info including mobile are updated to PNR.
      • Correctly update the status codes of all segments and ensure segment sequence control taking care of minimum connection time at each transit point etc.
      • Cancel all the In-active segments from the PNR when advised by ER through UN, NO, HX, WK, WN, UC, UL, DL messages. Such cancellations to be done at the earliest opportunity available and invariably at least 24 hours prior to flight departure. 
      • Ensure messages received from host for duplicate booking, duplicate segment, Ticketing time limit, ticketing rules and other instructions are strictly complied with.
      • Agencies must take timely follow up action for issuance to tickets within the time limits notified. 
      • Agencies with multiple GDS should ensure that booking and ticketing for a specific journey of the customer, occurs in the same GDS.
      • When customer advises to cancel the booking, agency should cancel Serene Air booking and release the inventory immediately. 
      • Ensure that booking matches with ticket coupon sequence.  
      • Ensure that applicable government regulations are complied with and customer security credentials are provided in the booking for use of government authorities. 
      • Ensure that PNR is provided with customer contact including correct mobile number in the correct field.  This will facilitate SereneAir to reach the customer when required to communicate flight delay, re-schedule, cancellation, disruption etc. 
      • Ensure for any change in itinerary all special service request (SSRs) are re-processed.  Note that SSRs are flight and passenger specific and should not be requested for entire PNR together. 
      • Agencies should action the Queues promptly and ensure that passengers are notified for any change in his/her bookings.
      • Must always use latest and updated fares; Pre-stored and or manual pricing should be avoided.
      • Must report genuine ticket numbers that is valid for travel and associated to the itinerary in the PNR.
      • Must ensure collection of all taxes, fees and service charges imposed by local and foreign government. 
      • Must ensure collection of various penalties for re-issue, refund, cancellation, no show etc.  



      • Avoid creating segments in a cancelled PNR.
      • Avoid making changes to host PNR under the control of Serene Air. 
      • Do not create active/passive booking transactions for achieving GDS productivity / incentive targets.
      • Do not make duplicate / multiple bookings for a same customer/journey
      • Do not break marriage logic of segments.
      • Do not force to create wait list segment on a closed flight.
      • Do not create bookings in fictitious names.
      • Do not change passenger names once PNR is created. 
      • Do not create bookings that violate minimum connecting time specified. 
      • Do not omit to complete the contact details, SSRs, APP/APIS security info, or provide inaccurate info. 


      7.0    List of GDS/Booking Violations




      ADM Value


      Duplicate PNR cancellation 

      ER will automatically cancel duplicate booking (PNRs) issued for the same passenger, and/or the same sector at or around the same date, and will raise an ADM.

      PKR 1500 per passenger per segment 


      Duplicate segment

      ER will inspect for booking with multiple segments for the same passenger with the same origin or destination in the same PNR, or same booking class. ER will cancel one of the duplicate segments, and raise an ADM.

      PKR 1500 per passenger per segment 


      Passive segment

      When an agent creates a PNR containing a passive segment, ER will cancel the passive segment, and raise an ADM.

      PKR 1500 per segment per passenger



      ER will inspect for booking containing fictitious names in the PNRs, and will cancel the booking and raise an ADM.

      PKR 1500 per segment per passenger


      Fictitious tickets

      ER will inspect for booking containing fictitious PNRs, and will cancel the booking and raise an ADM.

      PKR 1500 per segment per passenger


      Groups firming - name & deposit

      ER will inspect for the required deposits for group reservations. In cases where group PNRs do not have deposit paid according to rules and/or do not have names for all seats reserved, ER will send a warning message to the booking source with information about the mandatory deposit payments and/or about when names need to be inserted into the PNR. Failure to submit the specified deposit, or enter the names for all reserved seats will result in ER cancelling the booking in full. 

      ER will cancel the booking in full. 


      Hidden group 

      Where a group reservation is booked with separate individual PNRs to avoid group reservation deposit requirement, ER will raise an ADM.

      PKR 15000 for each passenger 


      MCT violation (minimum connection time violation) 

      ER will inspect all PNRs for minimum connection time allowed, and will cancel all PNRs containing connection with minimum timing, and will raise an ADM for all cancelled segments. 

      Upto PKR 30000 per passenger, plus PKR 1500 per segment, in addition to the resulting stay- over cost 


      Fictitious block seats

      If ER suspects fictitious block seats for which tickets were not issued, or voided tickets were issued, ER will cancel the booking and raise an ADM. 

      PKR 1500 per segment per passenger



      ER will inspect for instatement of cancelled bookings for the same PNR. ER will cancel the booking, and an ADM will be raised to the agent.

      PKR 1500 per segment per passenger


      E-ticket revalidation

      If the Agent revalidated a ticket without applying the search charge imposed by ER, ER will issue an ADM to the Agent.

      PKR 4000 per change with the airline applicable charges.


      Inactive segment cancellation 

      When ER cancels a segment due to lack of ticketing, but the agent does not remove it from the face of the PNR in the GDS, an ADM will be raised. Example segment status: (HX, UC, NO, UN, etc…).

      PKR 1500 per passenger per segment


      Speculative bookings 


      ER will inspect for blocked bookings made on higher RBDs and cancelled close to the departure date using fictitious names in order to open lower RBD classes and benefit from lower prices.

      Upto PKR 25,000 per
       passenger per segment 


      No show due to void ticket or refund ticket

      If the agent fails to cancel the booking for a void or refunded ticket, resulting in a no show case, an ADM will be raised.

      Full fare ticket value  


      Scheduled change 

      For every scheduled change such as TL, TK, WK, the agent should remove the old/inactive segment from the face of PNR. Failure to comply will result in issuing an ADM. 

      PKR 1500 per passenger per segment 


      Inventory abuse 

      ER will inspect for cases where an agent blocks a seat without completing/ending the transaction.

      Upto PKR 35000 per passenger per segment 


      Fare sales violations 

      ER will inspect for cases where an agent issues a ticket outside the blackout period and then changes the dates to move it into the blackout period.

      The difference between the blackout period rates and the reserved period dates for values of the fare, tax and commission 


      High cancelation
      ratio- ticketed segments 

      Cancelation ratio is allowed up to 20% from total ticketed segments monthly. Any cancellation beyond this rate will be subject to an ADM. 

      PKR 450 per passenger per segment


      Out of sequence/cross boarded coupon usage

      ER will inspect for compliance between the ticketed coupons, and the flown coupons. In cases where ER suspects that a PNR is issued for travel itinerary mismatching the actual trip in order to get lower fare or ancillary costs, ER will deny-board the passenger for the remainder of the coupons, and an ADM will be raised.



      Flat ADM fee of PKR 5000 plus the difference between the flown ticket and the booked ticket.


      Incomplete itinerary coupon trashing 

      If the travel itinerary mismatched the actual trip due to trashing any of the ticket coupons, ER will suspend the remaining coupons, and an ADM will be raised. 

      Upto ADM fee of PKR 35000  plus the difference between the flown ticket and the booked ticket values 


      Excess baggage 

      In cases of manipulation of weight records to allow greater weight for a passenger using weight allowance of another non-related passenger, an ADM will be issued with the applicable additional weight charges.

      Applicable additional weight charges 


      Fraud monitoring 

      Any ticket that was blocked “status NOGO” due to suspicion of fraud (credit card fraud, FFP fraud or charge back), should not be actioned. Failure to comply will result in issuing an ADM with the ticket price for the highest RBD on the flight travelled.

      Ticket price for the highest RBD on the flight travelled


      Ticket time limit on ancillaries

      ER specifies a time limit for each of the ancillary reservations. In cases where a seat is reserved without collecting charges to settle the cost of the seat, ER will cancel the reservation, or charge the passenger the cost of the ancillary upon departure. ER will also raise an ADM. 

      The maximum value for
      the same category of


      Accepting a passenger without ticket at the airport

      In cases where a passenger should be accepted without a ticket due to a medical, emergency, or deportation case, the option to board the passenger as a “norec” in the system must be approved by the airport manager or the duty manager of the respective station. Failure to obtain such approval will result in issuing an ADM with the Ticket price for the highest RBD on the flight travelled.

      Ticket price for the highest RBD on the flight travelled


      Unblocking a previously blocked ticket without approval from
      the airport manager 

      A ticket that was blocked from flying /ticket status was made “NOGO” by ER for any reason, can only be unblocked with the airport manager’s approval. Failure to obtain such approval will result in issuing an ADM with the ticket price for the highest RBD on the flight travelled.

      Ticket price for the highest RBD on the flight travelled


      Segments not cancelled not ticketed

      Segments that are waitlisted or do not hold confirmed inventory in airline system

      Waitlist segments are identified with help of the status code PA, PB, PC, PD, RL, DL, HL,LL, PL, WL,  AL, BL, JL, XL & TL


      Threshold for ADM -
      Maximum 2 waitlist segments in a PNR.  Beyond 2 is considered as misuse.

      Furthermore, waitlist segments must be removed from the PNR to avoid GDS wastage.

       Waitlist booking/ segment transaction X  number of passengers X PKR 3000


      Waitlist booking/ segment transaction X  number of passengers X PKR 1500


      Invalid Booking

      Invalid bookings class violations are those Violation for which particular sale of RBD is not permitted.
      Bookings other than
      Economy Class Y,R,B,E,M,W,K,H,Q,T,U.

      Group booking: G class.

      Booking/segment transaction X number of passenger’s X PKR 3000
      Booking/segment transaction  X number of passengers X PKR 1500


      DS segments not cancelled not ticketed

      These are open segments with unspecified flight/carrier.
      Sometimes used for connection flights, preceding/following waitlisted segments.   

      DS segment can be identified with help of status code


      Booking/segment transaction X number of passenger’s X PKR 3000

      Booking/segment transaction  X number of passengers X PKR 1500



      Bookings without valid ticket numbers

      Booking with invalid, false, restricted, used, refunded, voided ticket numbers

      Active (not cancelled) bookings which are not ticketed before departure is considered as violation


      Booking/segment transaction X number of passenger’s X PKR 3000
      Booking/segment transaction  X number of passengers X 1500




      GDS wastage Cost


      Any inapplicable cost borne by the airline because of the agent on misuse of inventory will be charged to agent.

      Cost borne by the airline





       Tickets refunded beyond validity

      Full fare will be charged

      32 Commission Agents are not allowed to charge commission and can charge PSF only. In case of any misuse ADM will be raised. Original Commission amount Plus ADM of PKR 1500
      33 GDS PNR issued/Refunded on Raddix Agents are not allowed to issue GDS PNRS via Raddix Portal. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the agent that PNR should not be shared or issued from Radix Portal & In case of any misuse ADM will be raised. Total Ticket amount Plus ADM of PKR 1500


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